1. DreadOut
DreadOut is a third person survival horror game that is set in Indonesia.
The main character, Linda, using modern gadgets, such as digital video cameras and
smartphones to interact with a wide variety of mystical ghost Indonesia, to help solve a variety of puzzles in an abandoned town. When Linda "die" in this game, he would wake up in the dark with a candle surrounded by a bright light in the distance. With a run towards the light, Linda will live again.
The game will feature both a third-person control scheme and the first. Players navigate the game with back-shoulder camera perspective, but will switch to a first-person perspective whenever the player decides to use a digital camera to photograph something. A recent preview video shows the tablet version of the game, where Linda is being controlled through touch and interaction using a fixed camera perspective similar to Fatal Frame game.You will download this game at Oficial Website
Movie Trailer:
2. Angkot The Game
Feel the excitement of this game where you will feel the ups and downs of being the driver of public transportation. In it you will have to collect money as much as possible to improve your angkot. Sized 400MB to Download This Game On The Official Angkot The Game Oficial Website. Please Register preemptively before playing.
3. DivineKids
Divinekids is a game that is recognized and received an official award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) as the Indonesian First Game in 2004 and many magazines and Computer Games (Gamestation, Pcgame, Bobo, Indopos, Game21, etc). Actually had a lot of games made in the Indonesian else but because it lacks a certain minimum requirements such as: Character using foreign characters, less widely spread, the language used is not Indonesian, not officially listed herein or his trademark, etc. because it not selected as the First Indonesian Game Official.According to most observers of this game is the lack of investigation in the case MURI see those games before the first game to give the title to David Setiabudi. Moreover, they do not ask the opinion of those who understand the gaming world Indonesia itself. To Download The game Have To Official site
4. Majapahit Online Kshatriya Varna
Majapahit Online Kshatriya Varna Games is a web-based game genre Multiplayer Turn-Based Strategy with the theme of the kingdom of Majapahit. This game was developed by a local developer and in this game is full of nuances and the Indonesian culture really.For those of you who like to race strategy games, this game is a game suitable for all of you. In this game you can customize your troops in the game, leveling and get a blessing from the gods different.
Here's the web of the game, just for who want to try this game.
Official site.
5. Ghaib
This game is a little more unique, if the game uses the camera flash dread out of the phone to beat his ghost, unseen in this game we use the verses of Qur'an readings to expel kuntilanak who try approaching, so automatic in this game requires michrophone in order to play. Setting begins with a brother and sister named alya pledge on his way, and then suddenly in the middle of their journey stalled by kuntilanak, consequently their car was in an accident, our task here portray pledges searching alya, armed with only a flashlight and a book of al-Quran in hand, when the ghost appears we simply read the verses of Qur'an which appear as subtitles in movies. This game is made by students of ITB (Bandung Technology Institute). This game can be downloaded for free in ghaib thegame site.
6. Jurig Escape
This game is no less exciting, this game tells the story of a high school student Harapan 1 Bandung who suddenly woke up at school at night, and then to get out of the school we have to collect as much as 13 souls astray, misguided soul itself obtained from shoot the ghosts that wander around the school, to download this game please search in google because it has a lot to provide the download for free.
it is 6 favorite games from Indonesia. I hope you enjoy the game. thanks for stopping by my blog, do not forget to leave comments for other questions.
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